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migrant refugees

‘The Humiliation I Experienced Just to Escape the Taliban’

Get trampled or crawl through sewage? An Afghan woman describes the "humiliating" conditions fleeing Afghans faced while trying to escape Afghanistan after the Taliban took over.

‘The Day the Taliban Reached Kabul, it Turned into a Ghost City’

Afghan journalist Maryam Nabavi describes feelings of hope and despair after Kabul fell to the Taliban.

The Taliban’s Return Was the Death of Dreams

After two weeks of living under Taliban control, a youth activist decides it’s time to for her to leave Afghanistan. “This is not what our people deserve,” says Hosnia Mohseni, 30.

Targeted for abuse: With borders closed, women fleeing Venezuela face additional threats

Colombia’s border closure due to COVID-19 left no safe way for Venezuelan migrants to cross the border, exposing more women to sexual abuse, kidnapping, trafficking and murder that is endemic along informal routes.

Dade County Florida Program for Trafficked Children

Listen to the podcast here. It might be pushing it to call the Trump administration’s family separation policy a cause of the national rise in the sexual trafficking of children, but there is evidence to…