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Cal Matters

The Fuller Project’s reporting mentioned in Cal Matters Newsletter

Cal Matters newsletter mentioned The Fuller Project’s reporting on child care providers closing in California due to coronavirus.

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Khushbu Shah mentioned as The Fuller Project’s Editor in Chief in Politico Playbook

Politico’s Playbook mentioned Khushbu Shah as The Fuller Project’s new Editor in Chief under their MEDIAWATCH section.

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Rikha Sharma Rani’s reporting mentioned in Politico CA Playbook

Rikha Sharma Rani’s reporting on child care providers mentioned in Politico’s California Playbook coronavirus updates section.

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The Fuller Project mentioned in Axios Media Trends Newsletter

The Fuller Project was mentioned as one of the women-focused non-profit newsrooms to surge forward in 2020.

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The Fuller Project mentioned in Women Rule Newsletter

Politico’s Women Rule newsletter mentioned The Fuller Project’s newest additions to the team. 

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Fortune Broadsheet

Corinne Redfern’s reporting mentioned in “On My Radar”

The Fortune Broadsheet newsletter highlights Corinne’s reporting as the first item in “On My Radar.”

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Fortune Broadsheet

Lilian Tan and Kim Abbott mentioned as Movers and Shakers

The Fortune Broadsheet newsletter mentioned two of The Fuller Project’s newest team members. 

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Hawke Media

The Fuller Project’s reporting mentioned in Hawke Media

Hawke Media’s Coronavirus Report mentioned The Fuller Project’s reporting on women’s unemployment claims.

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Missouri Business Alert

The Fuller Project’s CEO mentioned in Missouri Business Alert

CEO, Xanthe Scharff was interviewed and quoted about the pandemic’s toll on women entrepreneurs on Missouri Business Alert’s podcast called Speaking Startup.

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Sverige Radio

Corinne Redfern’s reporting mentioned on Sverige Radio

Sverige Radio mentioned Corinne’s reporting on the threat of online abuse towards children in the Philippines during the coronavirus lockdown.

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Wisconsin Watch

The Fuller Project’s reporting mentioned in Wisconsin Watch

Wisconsin Watch mentioned The Fuller Project winning a Milwaukee Press Club award for reporting on reproductive health care.

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The Fuller Project’s reporting mentioned in Bloomberg

Bloomberg Opinion mentioned The Fuller Project’s reporting on women’s unemployment claims.

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PBS NewsHour

The Fuller Project’s reporting mentioned on PBS NewsHour

PBS NewsHour mentioned The Fuller Project’s reporting on child abuse reports decreasing during the pandemic.

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The Salt Lake Tribune

The Fuller Project’s reporting mentioned in The Salt Lake Tribune

The Salt Lake Tribune mentioned The Fuller Project’s reporting on women’s unemployment claims.

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Wyoming Tribune Eagle

The Fuller Project’s reporting mentioned in Wyoming Tribune Eagle

Wyoming Tribune Eagle mentioned The Fuller Project’s reporting on women’s unemployment claims.

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Northern Wyoming Daily News

The Fuller Project’s reporting mentioned in Northern Wyoming Daily News

Northern Wyoming Daily News mentioned The Fuller Project’s reporting on women’s unemployment claims.

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Women’s Media Center

The Fuller Project’s reporting mentioned in Women’s Media Center

The Women’s Media Center News & Features section mentioned The Fuller Project’s reporting on child abuse material online surging during the pandemic.

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Pink Concussions

The Fuller Project mentioned in Pink Concussions

Pink Concussions mentioned The Fuller Project as the first news organization to report on domestic violence in the U.S. during COVID-19.

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