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It’s not just Texas and Mississippi: Abortion access is in jeopardy across the Deep South

As all eyes turn to the landmark case before the Supreme Court, advocates in the South say they’ve been sounding the alarm on access for years.

Lessons from Texas: Advocates Warn of Extreme Weather’s Link to Domestic Violence

When a winter storm paralyzed Texas last month, millions of people in the state were left without power or heat or drinkable water. Traveling was dangerous and cell service was spotty. At the Houston Area…

She was separated from her son for 9 months while seeking asylum. She’s still haunted by everything she missed.

"He’s never going to crawl for the first time again," says Mariana Ibarra Morán, who was separated from her son for 9 months.

Weaponizing Children

In 1977, the public school system of Tyler, Texas, a small city 100 miles southeast of Dallas, began expelling students who couldn’t prove they were in the United States legally. The state had passed a law cutting…

At the Texas-Mexico Border, Her Son Begged Not to be Taken. They Took Him Anyway.

‘I Felt My Heart Being Taken Away From Me,’ Says His Mother Valquiria had never spent a day apart from her 7-year-old son, B, until March, when U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) whisked the…