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We chronicle the courageous and cutting-edge work of groups and women leaders in the fight for women’s rights, equity, justice, and positive change around the globe, and identify the forces working against them. Our reporting seeks to include and elevate women leaders, underscoring their agency and changing the way that leading women are portrayed and the narrative about their roles.

Turkish Women Rising

Turkish women risk peril in demanding their rights. One particular group refused to keep quiet, catapulting the fight for women’s rights into the spotlight.

‘You Cannot Have Peace If You Don’t Listen to Women’

Burundian activist Marie Louise hopes to help stop the bloodshed in Burundi, a country teetering on the edge of genocide.

Why Turkey won’t say the G-word when it comes to the Armenians

Most Turks and their government do not believe that the events of 1915 — known by Armenians as the Armenian Genocide — were genocide.
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