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Undocumented Mothers are Increasingly Being Arrested. These Women are Fighting Back.

Through the rearview mirror, Alma watched the blue and red lights flash across her young son’s worried face. As the police officer approached her car, panic set in. She didn’t have a driver’s license. She…

Russia’s Disappearing Women

New legislation in Russia means that men can avoid criminal prosecution for domestic violence. As the death toll rises to a reported one every forty minutes, how do we stop countless women from vanishing at…

Is Deportation a Death Sentence for Salvadoran Women?

What will happen to the girls and women deported from the U.S. to Central America? Many fear the answer. The Trump administration said last week that, by September 2019, it will deport 200,000 Salvadoran immigrants…

My Husband Sold Me To A Brothel

Over the course of seven months, journalists Corinne Redfern and Allison Joyce followed the lives of sex workers in Bangladesh as part of an exclusive investigation into internal trafficking across the country. This is Moyna's…
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