Nearly three decades after the end of the Cold War, nuclear conflict remains the single greatest immediate threat to global security.

El Salvador Kills Women as the U.S. Shrugs
Washington helped start an epidemic of violence against women in Central America. Now it’s washing its hands of the problem.
Do Traffickers Kidnap Their Victims? The Myths and Realities of Human Trafficking
As awareness and understanding around human trafficking grows, so do its myths, filtered and fertilized through social media and misunderstandings.

America Never Gave Afghan Women a Chance
Washington failed at the most promising path toward stability in Afghanistan: keeping the country’s women alive.
In Mosques Across Morocco, Women are Leading a Quiet Revolution
Trained and employed as clerics by the Moroccan government, hundreds of women are experts in Islamic law and tradition and wield power that allows them to promote and defend women’s rights.
‘Men Kill Women Because They Can’: Inside El Salvador’s Devastating Femicide Crisis
Inside El Salvador's devastating femicide crisis.

A Look Inside the First All-Female TV News Station in Afghanistan
Afghanistan's first-ever all-female TV news station there runs a lot like any station in the U.S., with one big exception: These journalists are risking their lives.

Women Want to Put Yemen Back Together Again
Men caused the world’s worst humanitarian disaster, but it’s become clear they can’t fix it.

In Afghanistan, Where Breast Cancer is a Death Sentence, Women Fight to Save Lives
A pair of sisters fight to save women in Afghanistan's only oncology ward.

Iraq is Tempting Fate By Punishing Women
Iraq isn’t just flouting international law by collectively punishing the wives of Islamic State fighters—it’s inviting a return to war.

Justice for Survivors of ISIS: The Plight of Yazidi Women
ISIS fighters committed genocide and rape against members of Iraq’s minority Yazidi faith, but here we ask, did Yazidi women suffer the most?

Don’t Let the Battle Over Kavanaugh Overshadow the Nobel Peace Prize’s Recognition of Sexual Violence
There’s a certain irony that the Nobel Peace Prize—given Friday to those working to raise awareness of sexual violence in conflict—may well have been overshadowed by news of the confirmation of U.S. Supreme Court Justice…

Dangers of Being an Afghan Woman in Uniform
Inside the expensive and complicated NATO campaign to get more women into the Afghan security forces, and keep them alive.

The Truth About the Wives of ISIS
Now that the Islamic State has lost its militant grip on Iraq, what will become of the women being punished for their husbands' crimes?

‘I’m Too Tired To Cry’: The Laotian Girls Who Are Kidnapped To Become Child Brides
‘I didn’t want this for my daughters. I wanted them to have a future’ It was just after 4 a.m. when Pa Hua discovered that her smiley, bookish daughter, Yami, was missing – her schoolbag…
One Small Step For Feminist Foreign Policy
This weekend’s meeting of female foreign ministers will be a historic achievement—and not nearly enough for the world’s women.

Botched Sterilisation Surgeries are Killing Indian Women. One Women Wants to Save Them
In a country where condoms, birth control pills and IUDs are hugely unpopular, many women turn to sterilisation. It’s costing them their lives.

From Prison To Periods: Meet The Men Fighting Menstruation Taboos
One way to change cultural attitudes towards menstruation? Bring bring men into the conversation, experts say.